Autumn “Quart” starts a series of thematic issues of our quarterly, the preparation of which is also planned for the whole year 2020. I will not reveal the topics of subsequent editions for now though – it is enough to say that they will be related to specific fields, epochs and forms of existence and functioning of art and art history, presented in the light of the latest research connected with our discipline. The first part of this series was dedicated to the 19th century. The article by Magdalena Bartnikowska-Biernat presents it through the prism of the still little-known sculptural activity of the famous at that time poet Teofil Lenartowicz. Mariusz Bryl, in turn, reveals in his text the secrets and literary sources of the illustration works of Artur Grottger himself. Leaving aside for a moment the domestic affairs, I also recommend the proposition of Dawid Głownia, who discusses how exotic for us the problem of using a magic lantern in 19th century Japan. The links between art and technology are continued in reflections on the achievements of the graphic artist and painter Konstanty Brandel (Adrianna Kaczmarek). The figure of Lenartowicz returns again – this time in an attempt to reconstruct the “artistic technique” of the “Mazovian lyricist”, as he was then called, who was active not only in poetry but also in visual arts. My modest participation in the 54th issue of “Quart” concerns the relationship between the cult and myth of “three bards”, which functioned in Poland in the 19th century. (Adam Mickiewicz, Juliusz Słowacki, Zygmunt Krasiński) and the works of Henryk Siemiradzki, the most eminent Polish academic painter. The discussion on the beginnings of the professionalisation of the art market in Poland (Ewa Skotniczna) is aimed at enriching the image of this era. We also recall, the figure, somewhat forgotten today, of a historian, but also a painter connected with the Lviv milieu – Szczęsny Morawski (Agnieszka Świętosławska). The whole autumn “Quart” ends with my review of the exhibition organized by the Wrocław Contemporary Museum, which focuses on Polish hospitality, presented through the critical prism of contemporary art. Even this brief listing of the articles reveals that the latest issue of “Quart” touches on many thematic areas of the epoch, the echoes of which continue to this day in the form of works of art created at that time and artistic myths and toposes preserved in social memory. It remains for me, as always, to invite you to read and wish you to discover the reviving sources of our discipline – because its origins and methods are largely located in the “beautiful 19th century”. On behalf of the Editors Prof. Dr. Hab. Waldemar Okoń
Spis treści / Table of Contents
Od Redakcji
/Magdalena Bartnikowska-Biernat/
Głowa św. Jana Chrzciciela na misie Herodiady Teofila Lenartowicza – z dziejów rzeźby romantycznej
The head of St. John the Baptist on Herodias’ Platter by Teofil Lenartowicz – from the history of Romantic sculpture. Summary
/Mariusz Bryl/
Medium i kontekst. O ilustracjach prasowych Artura Grottgera
Medium and context. On Artur Grottger’s press illustrations. Summary
/Dawid Głownia/
Przekształcenia formy i funkcji pokazów latarni magicznej w XIX-wiecznej Japonii
Transformation of the form and function of magic lantern shows in 19th century Japan. Summary
/Adrianna Kaczmarek/
Autoportrety graficzne Konstantego Brandla. Refleksje nad warsztatem artysty
Graphic self-portraits of Konstanty Brandel. Reflections on the artist’s technique. Summary
/Arkadiusz Krawczyk/
Poznać sztukmistrza. Teofil Lenartowicz o procesie rzeźbiarskim w korespondencji z przyjaciółmi
To know the art master. Teofil Lenartowicz about the sculptural process in correspondence with friends. Summary
/Waldemar Okoń/
Henryk Siemiradzki i trzej wieszczowie
Henryk Siemiradzki and three bards. Summary
/Ewa Skotniczna/
Początki profesjonalizacji rynku sztuki na ziemiach polskich w XIX i na początku XX wieku
The beginnings of the professionalisation of the art market in Poland in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Summary
/Agnieszka Świętosławska/
Nieukończony obraz Szczęsnego Morawskiego Przeproszenie Zebrzydowskiego – między koncepcją malarstwa historycznego a trudami jej realizacji
The unfinished painting Zebrzydowski’s Apology by Szczesny Morawski – between the concept of historical painting and the difficulties of its implementation. Summary
/Waldemar Okoń/
„Polska gościnność to oferta właściwie bez pokrycia”. Recenzja z wystawy „Polska gościnność” w Muzeum Współczesnym Wrocław
“Polish hospitality is a virtually non-reliable offer”. Review from the exhibition “Polish Hospitality” in the Wroclaw Contemporary Museum. Summary
Lista recenzentów kwartalnika „Quart” w roku 2019
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ISSN 1896-4133 (dla wydania drukowanego)
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