Pismo współfinansowane przez
Wydział Nauk Historycznych
i Pedagogicznych
Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego


Numer 1(51)/2019



We begin this year’s edition of our quarterly with the publication of an article devoted to the recently so fashionable Polish painter Józef Brandt. Irena Olchowska-Schmidt shows in it unknown references and analogies between one of his most famous canvases – Welcome to the Steppe and a painting by the Austrian painter Johann Gualbert Raffalt, who has been somehow forgotten today. Beata Studziżba-Kubalska’s article, devoted to Henryk Dembiński’s portrait by Henryk Rodakowski, also represents this “beautiful 19th century”. If some of you do not yet know what is the process of “skeletoning” in art and what is a “potential and/or hidden image”, you should read without any hesitation Adrianna Kaczmarek’s article about the skull as a tool of metamorphosis in James Ensor’s work. The second part of Cezary Wąs’ work dedicated to the relations between architecture and philosophy will satisfy, of which I am sure, the most experienced experts in both these fields of art, to whom following the subtle arguments about the ancient sources of architectural achievements of the 20th century will certainly bring much intellectual satisfaction. The same applies to the discussion of two competitions of sacred art that took place in Warsaw in the 1980s (Grażyna Ryba) and a review of the book Tomasz Domański. Monuments of the Times 1992–2018 (Daria Skok), in which the author postulates a “return to things” as a remedy for overly complicated concepts of contemporary humanities, which often no longer have much in common with the subject of their analysis. At the end of the quarterly we also include a very useful, I think, list of contents of all its 50 issues so far. All in all, as always in “Quart”, the large thematic and methodological diversity of the presented texts, which, combined with a beautiful graphic design, ultimately gives us a sophisticated product, worthy of a reader who is eager for knowledge and of the refined artistic taste which is so needed nowadays, in these difficult times.

On behalf of the Editors
Prof. Dr. Hab. Waldemar Okoń

  Od redakcji / Editorial



  Spis treści / Table of Contents

Od Redakcji

/Irena Olchowska-Schmidt/
  Powitanie stepu Józefa Brandta a Węgierski pochód konny Johanna Gualberta Raffalta. Przyczynek do historii plagiatu w malarstwie XIX wieku
  The Welcome to the Steppe by Jozef Brandt and the Hungarian Horse Parade by Johann Gualbert Raffalt. Contribution to the history of plagiarism in the 19th century painting. Summary

/Beata Studziżba-Kubalska/
  Wokół gestu Dürerowskiej Melancholii. Kilka uwag i uzupełnień w dyskusji o ikonograficznych źródłach Portretu generała Henryka Dembińskiego Henryka Rodakowskiego
  Around the gesture of Dürer’s Melancholy. A few points in the discussion about iconographic sources of the Portrait of General Henryk Dembinski by Henryk Rodakowski Summary

/Adrianna Kaczmarek/
  Czaszka narzędziem metamorfozy w autoportretach Jamesa Ensora
  Skull as a tool of metamorphosis in James Ensor’s self-portraits. Summary

/Cezary Wąs/
  The Shadow of God in the Garden of the Philosopher. Parc de La Villette in Paris in the context of contemporary philosophical concerns. Part II
  The Shadow of God in the Garden of the Philosopher. Parc de La Villette in Paris in the context of contemporary philosophical concerns. Part II. Summary

/Grażyna Ryba/
  Dzieła konkursowe i ich losy. O dwu warszawskich konkursach sztuki sakralnej w pierwszej połowie lat 80. XX wieku
  Competitive artworks and their fates. Two Warsaw religious art competitions in the early 1980s. Summary

/Daria Skok/
  Między dominacją a potrzebą intymności. Recenzja książki Tomasz Domański. Pomniki czasu 1992–2018
  Between domination and the need for intimacy. Review of the book Tomasz Domanski. Monuments of the Time 1992–2018. Summary

  „Quart. Kwartalnik Instytutu Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego”. SPIS ZAWARTOŚCI numerów 1(1)/2006–4(50)/2018. (Opracowanie: Jakub Zarzycki)

Czasopismo indeksowane w Bazie Czasopism Humanistycznych
i Społecznych

Czasopismo indeksowane w CEJSH: The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities.

Czasopismo indeksowane w ERIH+: European Reference Index for the Humanities.

Czasopismo indeksowane w:
Index Copernicus International
World of Journals

Czasopismo ujęte w wykazie czasopism naukowych MEiN
z dnia 17.07.2023
(100 punktów).

Czasopismo nagrodzone grantem w ramach programu „Wsparcie 500 czasopism naukowych” Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego.

ISSN 1896-4133 (dla wydania drukowanego)
ISSN 2449-9285 (dla wydania elektronicznego)

www ® Aga Jarząb