Numer 1(47)/2018
Contemporary art history deals not only with the interpretation of the works themselves, but also largely with reinterpreting its own research methods. The latest “Quart” brings a series of studies that fit into this vital and necessary trend. Thanks to this, old works gain a new meaning dimension, and the more con- temporary art – the next interpretative face. This is what happens both in the text of Łukasz Kiepuszewski, where the author, examining the creative process of Piotr Potworowski, situates his painting in the context of the philosophical trend known as the New Phenomenology, and in the paper by Michał Haake, in which Ferdynand Ruszczyc’s paintings gain a new semantic quality due to their inclusion in the trend of the evolu- tionist theories that was so XIX-century-like in their essence. Next texts familiarize us with the areas that are closer to us in time, starting with reflection on Jan Cybis’ painting (Janusz Antos), through the story of “Five Faces of Mona Lisa”, that is about the beginnings of conceptual art in Wrocław (Sylwia Świsłocka-Karwot), to also a Wrocław theme which is the artistic poster created here in the times of the Polish People’s Republic (Dorota Miłkowska). The whole is crowned with the paper about the issue of audio description, so important regarding the popularization of art (Aneta Pawłowska, Anna Wendorff).
I invite you to read and let us follow the maxim derived from the writings of Ahab Hassan: “The unimaginable lies somewhere halfway between the Kingdom of Complacency and the Sea of Hysteria”. It is worth remembering it, especially in the spring.dy, problemy, przyklady [Audio description of works of art. Methods, problems, examples. Summary
On behalf of the Editors
Prof. Dr. Hab. Waldemar Okoń
Spis treści / Table of Contents
Od Redakcji
/Michał Haake/
Symbolika i geologia. Przyczynek do badań nad motywem ziemi w twórczości Ferdynanda Ruszczyca
Symbolism and geology. On the motif of earth in Ferdynand Ruszczyc’s creativity. Summary
/Aneta Pawłowska, Anna Wendorff/
Extra-visual perception of works of art in the context of the audio description of the Neoplastic Room at the Museum of Art in Łódź
Extra-visual perception of works of art in the context of the audio description of the Neoplastic Room at the Museum of Art in Lodz. Summary
/Janusz Antos/
Wątpienie Cybisa
Cybis’ doubt. Summary
/Łukasz Kiepuszewski/
Szyfry miejsca. Proces twórczy Piotra Potworowskiego i nowa fenomenologia
Ciphers of place. Piotr Potworowski’s creative process and new phenomenology. Summary
/Sylwia Świsłocka-Karwot/
Pięć twarzy Mony Lizy. Pięć wystaw, które odbyły się w Galerii Pod Moną Lizą we Wrocławiu w latach 1967–1970
Five faces of Mona Liza. Five exhibitions that took place in the Galeria Pod Mona Liza (Gallery Under Mona Liza) in Wroclaw in the years 1967–1970. Summary
/Dorota Miłkowska/
Plakat twórców wrocławskich w latach 1955–1981
Poster of Wroclaw artists from 1955 to 1981. Summary
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Czasopismo indeksowane w CEJSH: The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities.
Czasopismo indeksowane w ERIH+: European Reference Index for the Humanities.
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Czasopismo ujęte w wykazie czasopism naukowych MEiN
z dnia 17.07.2023
(100 punktów).
Czasopismo nagrodzone grantem w ramach programu „Wsparcie 500 czasopism naukowych” Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego.
ISSN 1896-4133 (dla wydania drukowanego)
ISSN 2449-9285 (dla wydania elektronicznego)
www ® Aga Jarząb