Faculty of Historical and Pedagocial Science

Journal financed by the
Faculty of Historical and Pedagocial Science
at the University of Wroclaw

Issue 3(61)/2021



Reading the articles contained in the latest issue of the quarterly, it is easy to notice that art history is a very broad and – to use a recently fashionable word – hybrid discipline. It combines issues of a social and religious nature, concrete historical and political factors, with an artistic element which cannot be definitively determined and named, and which gives to all of these original references an artistic flair that goes far beyond them and ultimately conditions the existence of our discipline.

The texts, this time arranged chronologically, take us to the world of medieval architecture, strongly entangled in the political disputes of the time, for which the sphere of family and dynastic symbolism was very important (Rafał Eysymontt), and to the court funeral ceremonies, so dear to the period, in this case connected with the Silesian dukes and, above all, with the person of Henry IV Probus (Jacek Witkowski). Remaining in the epoch in which religious symbolism largely determined the final shape of a work of art, I would like to draw your attention to works discussing in this context a specific artefact, i.e. the Dessau Altarpiece by Lucas Cranach the Younger (Agnieszka Seidel-Grzesińska), as well as relations between power, religion and piety in Lutheran art around 1600 (Marcin Wisłocki). Silesian themes appear once again in an article devoted to the image of St. Hedwig in the paintings of Michael Willmann (Romuald Kaczmarek), and the closer to us era of modern and contemporary fascination with antiquity – in the texts by Jerzy K. Kos and Agata Kubala. In turn, the theme of the work by the author of these words is the present- day reception of the 19th century painting by Jan Matejko, The Battle of Grunwald. The entire issue concludes with Andrzej Frydecki’s reflection on the unrealized 1947 project of the Non-Consolidated Offices in Katowice (Barbara Szczepańska).

In May 2021 unexpectedly and suddenly passed away our Colleague and Friend, an outstanding expert on Baroque art, Dr. Arkadiusz Wojtyła. Two memoirs here are dedicated to this fascinating and colorful person: by Małgorzata Wyrzykowska and Regina Poso. We also dedicate this entire issue to the memory of Dr. Wojtyła. Moreover, we print herein his prior non-published review of Andrzej J. Baranowski’s book.

Dr. Wyrzykowska is also the issue’s thematic editor, and her valuable comments and extensive factual knowledge have thoroughly enriched the volume’s final form, proving that not only battles and love have many names, but also iconographic research – transforming in “Quart” from traditional iconography into soulful and timeless iconology.

On behalf of the Editorial Board
Prof. Dr. habil. Waldemar Okoń

  Od redakcji / Editorial



  Spis treści / Table of Contents

/Rafał Eysymontt/
  Wieża mieszkalna – twierdza rodu czy symbol miejskiej komuny? Średniowieczne wieże mieszkalne Rzymu
  The residential tower – a family stronghold or a symbol of urban commune? Medieval residential towers in Rome. Summary

/Jacek Witkowski/
  Średniowieczny ceremoniał pogrzebowy książąt śląskich i jego odbicie w sztuce sepulkralnej
  Mediaeval funeral ceremonial of Silesian dukes and its reflection in sepulchral art. Summary

/Agnieszka Seidel-Grzesińska/
  Symbolika kolumny w obrazie ołtarzowym Lucasa Cranacha młodszego z kościoła zamkowego w Dessau
  Christological symbolism of the column in the altarpiece by Lucas Cranach the Younger from the castle church in Dessau. Summary

/Marcin Wisłocki/
  „Wybrałem cię spośród ludu”. Uwagi o relacjach między władzą, religią i pobożnością w sztuce luterańskiej około roku 1600
  “I chose you from the crowd”. Remarks on interrelations between power, religion and devotion in the Lutheran art circa 1600. Summary

/Romuald Kaczmarek/
  Temat jadwiżański w malarstwie Michaela Willmanna. Tradycja i następstwa
  The Hedwigian theme in the paintings of Michael Willmann. Tradition and implications. Summary

/Jerzy Krzysztof Kos/
  Nieznany projekt Teatru Narodowego w Berlinie autorstwa Carla G. Langhansa
  Unknown project for the National Theatre in Berlin by Carl G. Langhans. Summary

/Agata Kubala/
  Copying after masterworks of ancient art. The plaster cast collection of the Museum of the University of Wrocław and its ideological and academic context
  Copying after masterworks of ancient art. The plaster cast collection of the Museum of the University of Wroclaw and its ideological and academic context. Summary

/Waldemar Okoń/
  Bitwa niejedno ma imię
  The battle has many names. Summary

/Barbara Szczepańska/
  Cytat z modernizmu. Andrzej Frydecki i jego niezrealizowany projekt Urzędów Niezespolonych w Katowicach
  A quotation from modernism: Andrzej Frydecki and his unrealised project of the Non-Consolidated Offices in Katowice. Summary

/Arkadiusz Wojtyła/
  Architektura sakralna Wielkopolski na mapie nowożytnej Europy. Rzecz o nowej książce Andrzeja J. Baranowskiego
  Sacral architecture from Greater Poland on a map of early modern Europe. About Andrzej J. Baranowski’s new book. Summary

/Małgorzata Wyrzykowska/
  Dr Arkadiusz Wojtyła (1978–2021) – naukowiec i artysta
  Dr. Arkadiusz Wojtyla (1978–2021) – scientist and artist. Summary

/Regina Poso/
  Per Arek
  For Arek. Summary

  Arkadiusz Wojtyła (1978–2021) – spis publikacji (opracowanie: Jakub Zarzycki)

Magazine indexed in:

Magazine indexed in:

Magazine indexed in:

Magazine indexed in:
Index Copernicus International
World of Journals

The magazine is included in the list of the scientific journals of the Ministry of Education and Science in Poland
from July 17th, 2023 (100 points)

ISSN 1896-4133 (printed version)
ISSN 2449-9285 (electronic version)

www ® Aga Jarząb