Faculty of Historical and Pedagocial Science

Journal financed by the
Faculty of Historical and Pedagocial Science
at the University of Wroclaw

Numer 2(48)/2018



In the latest issue of our quarterly you will find texts showing how diverse the discipline of art history can be. Starting with its more traditional model, focused on determining the attributions of works of art and their numerous territorial and temporal affiliations (the article by Magdalena Łanuszka devoted to two late Gothic panel paintings currently found in the English collections), through the sentimental in its essence “temples of friendship” and “altars of memory” manifesting themselves as an echo of real garden realizations in albums created around 1800, preserved in the collections of the University Library in Wrocław (Anna Michalska); and ending with the artistic and “post-colonial”, closer to us in time, reception of Kazimierz on the Vistula River in the inter-war period (Piotr Cyniak). Add to this the analysis of references and analogies between the paint- ing of Alfred Lenica and Tadeusz Kalinowski and that one created at the same time behind the Iron Curtain (Michał Szymański); the text by Agata Knapik devoted to radical design projects created in the 1960s in Italy, and the diversity I signalled at the beginning will take on new shades. This is all the more so as the whole is crowned with extremely interesting studies – discussing in turn: the activity of contemporary Polish artists “living on the road”, i.e. Krzysztof M. Bednarski and Dominik Lejman (text by Magdalena Howorus-Czajka), and controversies related to the figure of Petr Pavlensky (Daria Skok) – and a review of a book devoted to the subject of audio-description, which has already been published in our quarterly (Anna Wendorff).
Therefore, I can only encourage you to read, during which they will appear both the Master of the Vienna Altar of the Scots and Umberto Eco with his impact on innovative architects, not to mention the “attack” on the noble Bank of France, which took place on 16 X 2017.

On behalf of the Editors
Prof. Dr. Hab. Waldemar Okoń

  Od redakcji / Editorial



  Spis treści / Table of Contents

Od Redakcji

/Magdalena Łanuszka/
  An attribution for two late Gothic central-European panels, in English public collections, depicting episodes from the life of St. Barbara
  An attribution for two late Gothic central-European panels, in English public collections, depicting episodes from the life of St. Barbara. Summary

/Anna Michalska/
  Świątynie przyjaźni. Funkcje motywu architektury i rzeźby ogrodowej w sztambuchach z przełomu XVIII i XIX wieku na przykładzie zbiorów Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej we Wrocławiu
  Temples of friendship. The meaning and function of images of the landscape garden monuments in the books of friendship from the late 18th and early 19th c. in the collection of the Wroclaw University Library. Summary

/Piotr Cyniak/
  „Raj utracony” i „rezerwat dzikości”. Artyści w międzywojennym Kazimierzu Dolnym
  “Paradise lost” and “fierceness re- serve”: artists in Kazimierz on the Vistula. Summary

/Michał Szymański/
  Między ekspresjonizmem abstrakcyjnym a abstrakcją geometryczną. Obrazy Alfreda Lenicy i Tadeusza Kalinowskiego wobec współczesnych klasyków
  Between abstract expressionism and geometric abstraction. Paintings by Alfred Lenica and Tadeusz Kalinowski towards contemporary classics. Summary

/Agata Knapik/
  Radykalne projekty wnętrz grupy UFO jako przykład architektury narracyjnej
  Radical interiors of UFO group as an example of narrative architecture. Summary

/Magdalena Howorus-Czajka/
  „Paraemigracja”, czyli życie w podróży. Wybrane aspekty emigracji artystycznej w dobie cywilizacji cyfrowej
  “Para-emigration”, or life on the go. Selected aspects of artistic emigration in the era of digital civilization. Summary

/Daria Skok/
  Performans jako umykający obraz. Epistemologia zdjęcia dokumentującego czyn Piotra Pawlenskiego
  Performances as a fleeting image. Epistemology of the photograph do- cumenting the act of Petr Pavlensky. Summary

/Anna Wendorff/
  Recenzja książki: Aneta Pawłowska, Julia Sowińska-Heim, Audiodeskrypcja dzieł sztuki. Metody, problemy, przykłady
  Book review of Audiodeskrypcja dziel sztuki. Metody, problemy, przyklady [Audio description of works of art. Methods, problems, examples. Summary

Magazine indexed in:

Magazine indexed in:

Magazine indexed in:

Magazine indexed in:
Index Copernicus International
World of Journals

The magazine is included in the list of the scientific journals of the Ministry of Education and Science in Poland
from July 17th, 2023 (100 points)

ISSN 1896-4133 (printed version)
ISSN 2449-9285 (electronic version)

www ® Aga Jarząb